Clothing to suit your spirit

Have you ever had a piece of clothing made just for YOU or found something that felt like it was?

Click the link to my webshop to start a one of a kind design with me, shop my ready to wear rack, customize an Icon design, rework something from your closet or activate your creativity by taking a masterclass with me.

You are Beautiful…

slip into something more Fabulous! 

coats to suit your spirit….

clothing to inspire your creativity


Coats to suit your spirit

Hello! My name is Caitlin Stolley, my “Granma” was Lillie who believed you either buy quality or make it yourself and your clothing will last forever. I still use her beloved pieces as inspiration in my work.

Let’s do a deep dive into your spirit, consider your aspirations and inspirations to create a most delightful coat!! We can work remotely or face to face, click the button below for more information! XOXO